Document Cloud

The Document Cloud

Online Document Storage & Retrieval + Workflow Automation

Manage your digital documents online via our secure cloud solution. Make your filing cabinet digital and see increased productivity through tools such as routing documents, creating workflows, tracking and editing documents, index organization, extensive searching, and securely communicating documents.

With extensive security features, HIPAA compliancy, and data encryptions your files will be more secure than they ever were while simultaneously allowing you access to them from anywhere.


We capture all of your files

Classify, extract and validate all your data

Organize them according to your requirements

Configure document workflow paths for incoming files.

Easily share your files with others.

System integrates seamlessly with your systems & platforms

No More Paper!

The Key Features

Customizable & Scalable

Customize the cloud solution to fit your business goals and needs. Set custom rules for documents and routing options. Choose your own indexes and organization methods of how documents are searched and sorted. With our cloud based solution scalability is simple, once you customize your rules the solution can be scaled to handle any amount of data from large corporations to smaller individual businesses.

User based and document based permissions.

Set user permissions based on the credentials used to log in, this helps prevent different employees or users from access different parts of the document management system. For example restricting some user’s ability to edit documents. Document based restrictions allow you to give permission to select individuals or allows a certain group of individuals access to the selected files.

Retention Timers and Notifications.

With tools such as retention timers you can set the lifespan of a documents and you will be notified when the documents is ready to be purged. This is beneficial for businesses that are required to store documents for legal reasons, but are only require to do so for a set amount of time. Having retention timers reduces your storage amount and responsibility of storing the files.

OCR creates robust and critical searching capabilities.

When documents are uploaded to our cloud solution they automatically become OCR searchable. This means that regardless of the indexes and file descriptions you can search for anything from a word to a sentence, and any documents that contains the text searched will show up with an indicator of where in the documents your search is located.

Communication and Collaboration.

With our cloud solution you can communicate your documents to anyone securely. This will keep you in compliancy with security regulations. Aside from communicating you can collaborate on files within your business by editing and leaving notes on files for other users to see.

How does this increase your overall business productivity and efficiency?

Secure Online Backup.

Using our cloud solution you will be creating a secure digital backup of your paper documents. This is crucial because once stored in our cloud solution your files are safe from ever being erased, misplaced, or even damaged. Eliminate the risk of harboring paper files or storage device containing digital files. With capabilities of holding any file types the solution provides a centralized storage point for all files.

Increased control over your documents.

With rules to set user and document permissions you will have better control over your files and how they are used. In addition a full audit log is imbedded in the system to track all actions of all users. See what documents were accessed from where, by who, and more. Knowing this information can be key in business and legal situations.

Centralized Filing cabinet.

Our cloud solution creates a centralized filing cabinet with the capabilities to store all your files. The solution has many different option when it comes to adding files you can upload from your computer, scan from a TWAIN scanner, or inquire about our Document Scanning Solution where we can image your paper files and upload them for you.

Faster document retrieval.

With our robust search features and overall index organization features, finding files will never be easier. This can cut search times down and increase employee productivity, while allowing your business full use of its information and resources.

Free up space and Time.

With digitized documents and cloud storage you can now access your document’s from anywhere anytime as long as you have an active internet connect, this reduce the amount of files you must physically have on hand and will free up crucial real estate space wasted.

Cut your costs.

With our cloud based solution you have capabilities of scanning and uploading your own files reducing costs of outsourcing these jobs. This also gives you greater control over your own paper files. In addition you will see a decreased cost for printing and postage and you can securely send files now eliminating many print jobs.

Secure and Protected.

Receive the highest security with 256 bit encryption for storage and 128 bit SSL encryption for transmission.


Get a Quote! Discover which solution will best serve your business.

The P.I.D. Path to Paperless.

Get Rid of Your Boxes!

Document Scanning.

Our most basic service. Scan, store, & manage your documents securely online.

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Fire Your File Cabinet!

The Document Cloud.

Online Document Storage & Retrieval + Workflow Automation. Your online file cabinet. Capture, store and manage documents and digital files securely online.

Stop Paper at the Source.

Business Consultations

We focus on what training is required so your businesses employees can efficiently use the equipment and software to its maximum potential and benefit.

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Increased Security

Document Shredding

Once your paper files have been shredded it will make it near impossible for anyone to recreate the document and its data.

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